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Model Motochassis 27M 4HP 1925

This is the a 1925 Condor from Reto Burkhalter. Type is "Motochassis  27M  4HP". Price new was 1950 Swiss Francs. The engine is a 500ccm V2 from MAG (Motosacoche). The bike is equipped with the optional "Phoebus" electric light. This is a battery powered front light. The rear light was not installed or is missing today. The bike has 2 brakes, both acting on a dummy belt rim, which is in the rear wheel. The front wheel is without brakes. The gear box is a 3 speed, hand gear shift, the gear box is developed and fabricated by Condor. The bike has a weight of about 95kg, and the top speed could be around 85 km/h.